Our work

Our mission

The association “Sharing A Smile” intends to help people in need. Growing up in a privileged family, allowing us to pursue studies in what we love and having a full plate at every meal, awakened in us the responsibility to help underdeveloped countries to build structures that would eliminate the vicious circle of poverty.

Sharing a Smile will engage in fundraising activities in order to collect aid and give people in developed countries the opportunity to share their smiles from one continent to another by being able to choose the project they will support and being informed of updates and results of each development.

In addition, Sharing a Smile will sensitize the less informed to the universal need to share resources in order to improve the living conditions of affected children.

We are a transparent and impactful charity, connecting you with Nepalese orphans so that you can share a smile. Even your smallest contribution makes a change.

Our objectives are to guarantee children’s fundamental rights. These include:

In partnership with Coopération Humanitaire Luxembourg

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